Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
324 lines
* strings.c - String input/output processing for nroff word processor
* adapted for atariST/TOS by Bill Rosenkranz 11/89
* net: rosenkra@hall.cray.com
* CIS: 71460,17
* original author:
* Stephen L. Browning
* 5723 North Parker Avenue
* Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
* history:
* - Originally written in BDS C;
* - Adapted for standard C by W. N. Paul
* - Heavily hacked up to conform to "real" nroff by Bill Rosenkranz
#undef NRO_MAIN /* extern globals */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "nroff.h"
/* defstr */
defstr (p)
register char *p;
* Define a string. top level, read from command line.
* we should read string without interpretation EXCEPT:
* 1) number registers are interpolated
* 2) strings indicated by \* are interpolated
* 3) arguments indicated by \$ are interpolated
* 4) concealed newlines indicated by \(newline) are eliminated
* 5) comments indicated by \" are eliminated
* 6) \t and \a are interpreted as ASCII h tab and SOH.
* 7) \\ is interpreted as backslash and \. is interpreted as a period.
* currently, we do only 3. a good place to do it would be here before
* putstr, after colstr...
register char *q;
register int i;
char name[MNLEN];
char defn[MXMLEN];
name[0] = '\0';
defn[0] = '\0';
* skip the .ds and get to the name...
q = skipwd (p);
q = skipbl (q);
* ok, name now holds the name. make sure it is valid (i.e. first
* char is alpha...). getwrd returns the length of the word.
i = getwrd (q, name);
if (!name[0])
fprintf (err_stream,
"***%s: missing or illegal string definition name\n",
err_exit (-1);
* truncate to 2 char max name.
if (i > 2)
name[2] = EOS;
* skip the name to get to the string. it CAN start with a " to
* have leading blanks...
q = skipwd (q);
q = skipbl (q);
* read rest of line from input stream and collect string into
* temp buffer defn
if ((i = colstr (q, defn)) == ERR)
fprintf (err_stream,
"***%s: string definition too long\n", myname);
err_exit (-1);
* store the string
if (putstr (name, defn) == ERR)
fprintf (err_stream,
"***%s: string definition table full\n", myname);
err_exit (-1);
/* colstr */
colstr (p, d)
register char *p;
char *d;
* Collect string definition from input stream
register int i = 0;
char *pstart = p;
* if there is a " here, we have leading blanks (skipbl in caller
* found it). just get past it...
if (*p == '\"')
while (*p != EOS)
* are we over the length limit for a single string?
if (i >= MXMLEN - 1)
d[i - 1] = EOS;
return (ERR);
* "i break for comments..."
if (*p == '\\' && *(p+1) == '\"')
* first back over any whitespace between comment
* start and last character in line. remember to
* decrement counter i, too...
while (isspace (*p) && p > pstart && i > 0)
* now skip over the comment until we reach the
* trailing newline
while (*p != EOS)
if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r')
* stop at the newline...
if (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r')
* copy it
d[i++] = *p++;
d[i] = EOS;
return (i);
/* putstr */
putstr (name, p)
register char *name;
register char *p;
* Put string definition into (macro) table
* NOTE: any expansions of things like number registers SHOULD
* have been done already. strings and macros share mb buffer
* any room left? (did we exceed max number of possible macros)
if (mac.lastp >= MXMDEF)
return (ERR);
* will new one fit in big buffer?
if (mac.emb + strlen (name) + strlen (p) + 1 > &mac.mb[MACBUF])
return (ERR);
* add it...
* bump counter, set ptr to name, copy name, copy def.
* finally increment end of macro buffer ptr (emb).
* string looks like this in mb:
* mac.mb[MACBUF] size of total buf
* lastp < MXMDEF number of macros/strings possible
* *mnames[MXMDEF] -> names, each max length
* ...______________________________...____________________...
* / / /|X|X|0|string definition |0| / / / / / / /
* .../_/_/_|_|_|_|_________________...___|_|/_/_/_/_/_/_/_...
* ^
* |
* \----- mac.mnames[mac.lastp] points here
* both the 2 char name (XX) and the descripton are null term and
* follow one after the other.
mac.mnames[mac.lastp] = mac.emb;
strcpy (mac.emb, name);
strcpy (mac.emb + strlen (name) + 1, p);
mac.emb += strlen (name) + strlen (p) + 2;
return (OK);
/* getstr */
char *getstr (name)
register char *name;
* Get (lookup) string definition from namespace
register int i;
* loop for all macros, starting with last one
for (i = mac.lastp; i >= 0; --i)
* is this REALLY a macro?
if (mac.mnames[i])
* if it compares, return a ptr to it
if (!strcmp (name, mac.mnames[i]))
/*!!!debug puts (mac.mnames[i]);*/
if (mac.mnames[i][1] == EOS)
return (mac.mnames[i] + 2);
return (mac.mnames[i] + 3);
* none found, return null
return (NULL_CPTR);